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Ecumenical Stewardship Center - Stewardship Resources

The Ecumenical Stewardship Center is pleased to offer ready-to-use, quality resources to encourage generous giving and transformative stewardship. The Giving: Growing Faithful Stewards in Your Congregation magazine, theme materials, and the Companion Resource provide comprehensive and customizable stewardship materials that will challenge and encourage church leaders and the faith communities they serve. Sixteen different stewardship emphases are available, each with a unique, timeless biblical theme.

Giving: Growing Joyful Stewards in Your Congregation has become a premier stewardship resource for churches and denominations throughout North America. Each magazine is packed with resources to support stewardship in the local church. Articles explore the intersection of faith and giving, offer practical information on Christian stewardship for all generations, and critique the newest resources on stewardship. Each issue of Giving also includes a center section that outlines a simple response method for an annual congregational stewardship emphasis which can be used “as is” or supplemented with additional theme materials and companion resources.

Theme materials raise awareness and provide visual recognition throughout your stewardship campaign. Bulletin inserts, letterhead, envelopes, bookmarks, commitment cards, posters, bulletin covers, and theme logos are available.

Companion Resources include worship and study materials to engage your congregation in thoughtful reflection about your annual giving emphasis. Companion Resources include sermon ideas and/or outlines, children’s sermons, liturgical resources such as offering dedications, calls to worship, benedictions, and responsive prayers, Bible studies for youth and adults, and much more.

Visit the ESC webstore at www.stewardshipresources.org to review and order these resources.