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This eleven-lesson course is taught by Rev. Dr. Jerry Gladson and explores the history and polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from its origins in the early 1800s to the present. Emphasis focuses on the pioneer founders of the denomination, Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Barton Stone, and Walter Scott, and their influence on the movement that emerged out of their efforts. The growth of the denomination will be viewed in the context of national and international history as it grew to take its place among the established, mainstream churches of modern times. Attention will also be given to the Restructure of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that has shaped its modern identity, polity, ethos, and mission.
Registration is open the on-demand online lecture: “JG-02 - History, Polity and Ethos of the Christina Church (DOC) for Laity” taught by Dr. Jerry Gladson.
Click Here for Details About This Lecture
This course is intended for the laity who would like to learn more about the history and polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This is a self-paced self-study course consisting of 28 video sessions totaling over eight hours of video-on-demand lectures organized into eleven lessons. Each lesson also contains optional readings and points for personal reflection or discussion in small groups. The readings and points for reflection are optional but are highly recommended for students to get the most out of the lessons.
This course, "History, Polity and Ethos of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for Laity," is one of our video-only courses. The course is composed of eleven online lessons containing a total of 28 online videos (totaling more than eight hours) from Jerry Gladson. All video lectures are delivered as streaming video to media players embedded into each lecture’s page in a dedicated Virtual Classroom.
We have made a special pricing of this course for $29.95 in order to make this course accessible to as many people as possible. Despite the low price, the course contains seminary-level scholarship from a highly-respected professor. Also, volume discounts are available for small groups of three or more.
This is a non-credit course; no grades will be issued or certifications awarded. As such, this course does NOT meet the requirements for those seeking standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and require a history and polity course for standing or ordination.For those seeking standing, a sister course, "JG-01," is available that DOES include grading and certification. If interested in the graded for-credit course, please see "JG-01 - The History, Polity and Ethos of the Christian Church (Disciple of Christ)." The JG-01 is considerably more expensive but it includes significant direct interaction with Dr. Gladson, assessment of the student work produced, grading as well as institutional credit from Christian College. However, the same course materials (videos, documents and discussion points) are the same for both JG-02 and JG-01. By making JG-02 available at a low price for the laity, individuals and small groups can have access to seminary quality self-study materials for their continuing adult education.