To register for this community, add this item to your shopping cart and either go back to do additional shopping or go to check out when you are ready.
If you are a Regional Moderator of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), you are invite to join into its Private Community. The Disciples Regional Moderators Private Community is a private secure section within the larger general-membership Connected Community.
You membership is FREE but is restricted to those who belong to Regional Moderators of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.)
Upon completing the check-out process, you will be given immediate access to a sequestered holding area pending the vetting of your registration. All registrations will be vetted before access is granted! If their are questions, someoe will be in touch with you.
In addition to gaining access to the Disciples Regional Moderators Private Community, people who register here will also get free access to the general-purpose public Connected Community if you do not already have a membership.