Featuring Bruce Barkhauer
The purpose of this course is to explore the conditions that make for financial health in both congregational and personal life. There are issues related to leadership, attitudes, approach, policy, and process that are consistent among congregations that see success in gathering resources for mission and ministry. Likewise, there are issues related to attitudes, approach and practice that lead to personal contentment and lowered anxiety about money in the household. Participants will examine these topics, be pressed to evaluate their own congregational and personal practices around money with the expectation that such an exercise will provide tools for growth, generosity, and an abundant life.
Materials and instruction will be delivered in four ways: On-line instruction; Independent reading of books and provided articles; Conference call discussions, On-line bulletin board discussion. The course is designed is primarily asymmetrical, giving the participant time to view the on-line instruction and complete the reading as it fits into their own life patterns. There are three scheduled conference calls that are provided to allow for in-depth discussion, follow up questions, and opportunities for mutual learning and support.
Rich Church, Poor Church, Keys to Effective Financial Ministry, J. Clif Christopher; Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2012
Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate, A New Vision for Financial Stewardship, J. Clif Christopher; Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2008
Enough, Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity, Adam Hamilton; Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2009
Holy Currencies, 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries, Eric H.F. Law; Chalice Press, St. Louis Missouri, 2013
Climb Higher, Reaching New Heights in Giving and Discipleship, Scott McKenzie and Kristine Miller; Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2011
Simplicity, Mindy Caliguire; IVP Connect, Downers Grove, IL, 2008
Understanding the Gifts We Receive
Documentations Contributions and the IRS
Why Has Money Stopped Going to Church?
Week One
Read “Rich Church Poor Church”
Watch Session One and Session Two Videos
Respond to questions for the discussion board
Week Two
Read “Not Your Parents Offering Plate”
Watch Best Practices in Sessions Three and Session Four Videos
Respond to questions for the discussion board
Assess your congregation’s policies based on the questions in the lessons
Participate in Conference Call 2/11/16 @ 7:00 PM Central
Week Three
Read the required articles
Respond to questions for the discussion board
Draft a narrative budget for your congregation
Participate in Conference Call 2/18/16 @ 7:00 PM Central
Read Sample Permanent Fund Policy
Week Four
Watch the Personal Finance lesson in the Session Five Video
Read “Enough”
Prepare your own personal budget
Participate in Conference Call 1/25/16 @ 7:00 PM Central