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Festival Attendance in First 24 Hours

By Bill Anderton on 3/7/2015 1:17 PM

The festival has been open 24 hours and the attendance has been at least 256 visitors so far. I say "at least" because these are the visitors that I can positively count who landed directly into the festival pages. It takes overnight to get full analytics for people who navigated into the festival from other pages in our site. So, this number will very likely grow.

I'm very pleased with the traffic so far. I would like to get a thousand attendees but this is just an arbitrary number that I snatched out of thin air.

However, invite your friends and family to attend. All are welcome.

Added by Bill Anderton

Update: after the first 48 hours, festival attendance is at least 593 visitors so far.
Added by Bill Anderton

Update: at 9pm CDT (close of viewer voting) festival attendance was at least 638 visitors. This number will likely increase after all data is compiled (on Monday).

The "at least" number is compiled from a report that tabulates all of the people who landing directly into the festival pages. Attendees who landed first on the home page of the website or other non-festival web pages and then entered the festival will be tabulated from the full analytics data we will get tomorrow. Based on early indications, total attendance for this weekend will likely be just over 700 unique visitors.
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