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"George Bullard Talks Transforming Congregations"
Virtual Classroom Features and Functions

The following features and functions are available in this class and can be accessed via the sidebar on the right side of the page.

Course Home

The Course Home Page is the main landing page for entry into the class. It is also the "safe starting place" where you can return while navigating the various features and function of the class.

Course Syllabus

The Course Syllabus Page describes the content of the course and describe what is expected of its students.

Virtual Classroom Features & Functions

Describes the features and functions available in this class.

Class Roster

The Class Roster is a directory of all students currently enrolled in the class.

Class Notices

Please check for all updates and class news in the Class Notices page. Important or late-breaking news about the class will be posted here. Also, the three most recent class notices will also be posted on the course's home page.

Class Feature Stories

The Class Feature Stories Page provides a list of all feature stories currently published in this class. A summary list is shown and a link provided to read the full story.

Class Forum

A fully-functional forum is available here to provide a class-wide venue for discussion. Any student with access to this class may read and/or post new topics for discussion or comments.  If you have a question about any session or a question on a general topic, you can post it here and we will quickly address it so everyone can have the same information or share in the discussion.

Class Calendar

All class events are listed in the Class Calendar. All class events also will be rolled up to the Member Calendar for all classes.

Live Audio Conference Calls

We provide the use of a carrier-grade audio conference bridge for conducting class conference calls and class discussion.


The E-Newsletter Page provides a list of all published E-Newsletters that have been sent to members of this class. E-newsletters are sent periodically as e-mail by the e-campaign feature of our platform to all registered members of this class.

My Conversations

Do you have a question or comment that needs to be kept in confidence?  In My Conversations, you can have a private conversation with the Distance Learning Faculty and Staff.  The student's side of the conversation can only be viewed by the individual student (not the class or the community at large) while the Faculty and Staff's side of the conversation can be seen and responded to by any member of the Faculty and Staff.

End-of-Class Survey

The End-of-Class Survey Page provides an easy-to-complete online survey that we ask all of our student to complete at the end of the class. Submitted forms are written into a data base for analysis and reporting.


Each lesson in the course has its own Lesson Page that contains links to all of the materials and assignments for its lesson.


This course contains five video-on-demand sessions that contain lectures and discussions. All video-on-demand sessions may be view as many times as you wish.

Course Materials

Course Materials Directory

The Course Materials Directory Page provides a tabular list of all downloadable documents that are a part of this course and included in the lessons.

Interactive Video Apps

The Interactive Video Apps (applications of this class will allow you to interact with instructors, guests, mentors and other members of the class. The features allow you to ask questions, post opinions or have dialogues. Regular class colloquia will be held in the Class Forum and there are multiple synchronous and asynchronous facilities that will allow you to interact.


VideoGallery is a simple and fun application that gives people the ability to create and view short audio-video video messages including such features as Webcam Recording, Thumbnail Video Selection with click-and-play viewing, and it is social media-friendly. Even guests can record their webcams.

About This Class

The features and functions in this section will provide information about the class itself.

How To Take This Course

An on-line whitepaper that makes suggestions about how to get the most out of this course.

Broadband Speed Test

This function will test the actual speed of your broadband connection between your computer and TeleWorship's Dallas data center.

Class Admin

This section is accessed-controlled for staff only.

Add a Class Notice

The Class Notice Form allows any authorized person with access to this section to automatically post a Class Notice by filling out a simple form. No coding is required. Upon submission, the notice is written to a data base and automatically displayed in all indicated places (via automatic widgets) and pages.

Add a Class Feature Story

The Class Feature Form allows any authorized person with access to this section to automatically post a Class Feature Story complete with a photo by filling out a simple form. No coding is required. Upon submission, the story is written to a data base and automatically displayed in all indicated places (via automatic widgets) and pages.

Video Broadcast (origination)

The Video Broadcast (origination) Page provides everything a person needs to originate a live video broadcast. Anyone with access to this page can originate a live video broadcast with nothing more than a webcam. The page contains an app (application) that makes it easy to broadcast a live audio/video events with such features as the ability to broadcast live, built-in video recorder, live statistics, and user list with kick-and-ban ability. Video controls include real-time adjustable video size/aspect ratio, quality, and frames-per-second settings; real-time adjustable audio quality and gain; and video adjustment controls blur, sharpness, brightness, contrast, and saturation. Also, the real-time video control lets a video presenter be in the driver’s seat when it comes to streaming quality. The size of the viewing windows will change automatically according to the broadcaster's control.

Submitted Assignments Admin

The Submitted Assignments Admin Page has links to real-time reports of each lesson's assignment and shows the time-stamped submissions for all student assignments. Each submission is individually tracked and each entry of the report contains a link to download each file that has been submitted. Submitted assignments are time-stapped, confirmed with the student, stored in our data base and fully backed up every night.

Staff-Only Admin Functions

This page provides access to all of the administrative features of our interactive functions.

User Support

Live Assistance

The Live Assistance button provide access to our online support service and our live Support Representatives.