by Jerry Gladson
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This is a for-credit fully-interactive online course suitable for those seeking standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and are required to take a history and polity course. Also, seminarians attending institutions that don't offer a history and polity course on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) may find this course useful in their studies.
This course explores the history and polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from its origins in the early 1800s to the present. Emphasis focuses on the pioneer founders of the denomination, Thomas Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Barton Stone, and Walter Scott, and their influence on the movement that emerged out of their efforts. The growth of the denomination will be viewed in the context of national and international history as it grew to take its place among the established, mainstream churches of modern times. Attention will also be given to the Restructure of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that has shaped its modern identity, polity, ethos, and mission.
Registration for "JG-01 - History, Polity and Ethos of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)" is now open and your access to its Virtual Classroom will be provided immediately upon registration.
The course is composed of 11 online lessons containing a total of 29 online videos. Lessons typically will require the student to participate in an online discussion of subjects posted by the instructor. Students will be required to write three papers throughout the term of the course. The lessons, discussions and papers are self-paced and are to be completed at the rate of one every one to two weeks, as scheduled. In addition, the class will have one live session conducted via conference calls at scheduled dates and times.
A complete course syllabus is available.
Early registration opens in December, 2015 and class begins January 18, 2016. Late registration will close on February 5, 2016.
Click here to register. Online registration is quick and easy, only taking a couple of minutes to complete.
The course will begin upon enrollment, but the student MUST plan his or her schedule in order to complete the course no later than its specified completion date. This is a one-semester course, and usually requires about 11 weeks to complete.
Course completion date for this semester is April 9, 2016.
The course fee is $429.99 and can be paid online as part of online registration via credit or debit card.
This course is ideal for those seeking standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and are required to take a history and polity course.
Also, seminarians attending institutions that don't offer a history and polity course on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) may find this course useful in their studies. Prior to enrolling, seminarians who are interested should contact Bob Harris, President of Christian College (telephone numbers are shown below), in order to be sure that they have all the pertinent information which they require before concluding that the course will meet their needs.
The leaders and laity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will also find this course interesting and an excellent source of information about the history, polity, ethos and mission of the church.
If you have questions, please contact Bob Harris, President of Christian College, to discover how you can take full advantage of this opportunity to enroll in this dynamic, compelling overview of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 1-800-235-2496 or (mobile) 770-815-9078
In the sidebar on the right side of the page, there is additional information about this course. Please explore these pages for more information.
For more than a decade, Dr. Jerry Gladson has prepared and taught a foundational course for all those who enter ministry in Georgia: The Disciples of Christ -- History, Polity and Ethos.
Dr. Gladson has offered this course, through Christian College, for those who were enrolled in the Institute for Christian Ministry and for Seminarians enrolled in five graduate theological seminaries in the Greater Atlanta Area. Many who have transferred their standing to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through the Region of Georgia have also completed this course.
Dr. Gladson graduated from Southern Adventist University with a B.A. (cum laude) in Theology, and earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from Vanderbilt University. He is the author of twelve books, including Who Said Life is Fair? Job and the Problem of Evil (1985), A Theologian’s Journey (2000), The Five Exotic Scrolls of the Hebrew Bible (2009), and The Strangest Books in the Bible (2010).