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Live Event - July 24th at 2 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. CDT

To introduce the three new courses from George Bullard, TransformingTheChurch.org will be hosting a live streaming video event on July 24, 2013 starting a 2pm EDT and 1pm CDT.

This event is FREE and open to all.

The title of the event is "George Bullard Talks Transforming Congregations." The event will be approximately 45 minutes in duration.

To participate all you need is a desktop or mobile device with a web browser and a broadband Internet connection. Like all of our streaming video, this live event  will support desktop browsers and mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) and will automatically adjust to the maximum capacity of your broadband connection. This event will be broadcast in 1080p high-definition video for those who have sufficient bandwidth as well as eight additional lesser speeds to support almost any type of connection and device.

Click here to register