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Three George Bullard Lectures Are Online

logo_200h.jpgTo to further support our fully-interactive distance-learning curricula, we also have a robust set of supporting lectures.

Our lecture are presented pre-recorded media-on-demand. You can use the media whenever you wish. Most of our media in the Lecture Series are high-definition video, but some audio-graphic and audio lectures are included too. All are delivered as streaming media using our advanced Adaptive Streaming technology that supports all devices from smartphones, to tablets, to high-definition desktops and large-screen displays. Our systems supports the highest possible quality that your broadband connection and viewing device will allow.

Our lectures are designed to very very affordable and accessible to all.

Shown below are summaries of our Lecture Series. Details of each lecture can be s by following the links to the public information pages about each course.

GB-01 - Transforming Congregations: a Spiritual Strategic Journey

By George Bullard

This course covers elements of an assessment and learning pre-season to prepare congregational leaders for a Spiritual Strategic Journey. This Journey is a process for empowering congregations to reach their full Kingdom potential.

Details: Transforming Congregations: a Spiritual Strategic Journey

GB-02 - Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict

By George Bullard

Seeks to help congregational leaders develop the capacity to handle healthy conflict, and to know what to do when the periodic unhealthy conflict occurs. A clear assessment is provided of the seven intensities of conflict as well as strategies and tactics.

Details: Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict

GB-03 - Congregational Choices: Transitions & Changes

By George Bullard

When congregations engage in transitions and changes that may lead to transformation they need to know more about the choices available to them that will empower them to be FaithSoaring in a manner that they may reach their full Kingdom potential.

Details: Congregational Choices: Transitions & Changes