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The Faith Journey of Ed DeLatte - 1930-2015


Ed DelatteEd DeLatte passed away on February 12, 2015.

Ed was a friend to many, Elder of my church, actor, director and champion of the arts.

In 2008, BJ Austin and I produced a series of short videos titled "Faith Journeys" that featured members of Central Christian Church of Dallas talking about their personal faith journeys and how they came to be members of the church. We did twelve of these interviews; all ages, new members and long-time members.

Of course, we included Ed.

We showed one video per week in Sunday morning worship and then added the week's video to the church website. By design, these were very simple and straight forward, with each subject simply sitting on the steps of the chancel talking about their personal journey.

I dug this out of my archive tonight to share with all of Ed's many friends.

--Bill Anderton