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e-Newsletter - Volume 5, Number 24
Conference Call with Dr. Jerry Gladson for "History, Ethos and Polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)" Will Be Nov 17 at 6:00 pm Central Time
by Bill Anderton

The live conference call for"History, Ethos and Polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)" with Dr. Jerry Galdson has been scheduled for November 17, 2015. It will start at 6:00 pm Central Time and ends approximately at 7:00 pm.

Please note that these are Central Time Zone times! Please adjust for your local time zone as needed.

Instructions and the access code for the call can be found in the Virtual Classroom. See the "Live Audio Conference Call" button the the sidebar on the right side of most pages in the Virtual Classroom. The direct link to this page is https://www.transformingthechurch.org/JG-01_audio_conference_calls

However, access is simple.

Dial the Audio Access Telephone Number for the TeleWorship Bridge at 1-(214) 699-5100 (from anywhere.)

You will then hear the prompts of our auto-attendant.

When prompted please enter your Conference ID and press the # key.

The Conference ID for this call is 2002000 (two, double-zero, two, triple-zero.)

I will open the conference bridge about 20 minutes before the starting time of the class and be there to greet any early arrivals. You're welcome to enter the class early and chat with your classmates until the start of the class. Opening the bridge early gives everybody a chance to get dialed in and settled in before the start of the call.

I will also be online in the Class Forum to respond quickly to any last-minute questions or needs.

Please be on the call before the start of the class so we can start promptly 6:00 pm CDT.

Please Keep Up With Lesson Schedule

Late registration for this class closed over two weeks ago so the whole class should be caught up and on schedule by now.

The work for Lesson 5 was due yesterday and in the coming week, we will be working on Lesson 6.

The entire lesson schedule can be found in the Class Calendar at https://www.transformingthechurch.org/JG-01_class_calendar

For the best outcome, please keep up with your class work and submit you lesson requires on time!

About This Course

This course is entirely online; no travel is required and all you need to participate is an web browser and a suitable broadband Internet connection.

For More Information:

