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e-Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 83
Welcome to Class!
by Bill Anderton

Welcome to BB-03 “Stewardship in Scripture” taught by Bruce Barkhauer.

Our first assignment is due next Monday, October 6, 2014. By that date you should have watched the first session video, complete the reading assignment and participated in the pre-programmed discussion in the Class Forum.

As we get the class started, there are a few housekeeping details you should have completed by now. If you haven’t, please do these things as soon as possible:

  • Review the Class Syllabus page.
  • Review the How To Take This Course page to know what is expected of you.
  • Post your information in the Class Roster. Be sure to add a photo of yourself. Be sure to update any of your information if it changes during the class. Your contact information and photo will be private and will only be seen by members of the class. Note also that there may be students from academic institutions other than your own; indeed, there may be students from anywhere in the world.  Keep this in mind as you make decisions about the information you wish to include in your visible profile. You are always at liberty to make direct connections with any other student(s) in your cohort by contacting them directly.
  • Please introduce yourself to your classmates in the Class Forum. Tell us a little about yourself.
  • Confirm the bandwidth available for viewing our videos using our Bandwidth Check and that you can transit any firewall in your network by using our Port Tester. Take any remedial action needed or contact us for support and assistance. Please do this early to cure any issues before the class starts.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash installed, if supported by your operating system and browser. Also, make sure you have the latest version of Java installed. Update if needed.
  • Review the "Entry & Navigation Tutorial" so you know how to get around in the Virtual Classroom. The "Entry & Navigation Tutorial" will show you various ways to enter and re-enter the Virtual Classroom and navigate through its pages once you enter.
  • Review all of the Features and Function available to you in the Virtual Classroom via the buttons in the sidebar on the right side of the pages in the classroom.
  • Purchase the class textbook. Our Online Bookstore is provided for your convenience.
  • Review the Class Syllabus and Class Calendar. Make note of any scheduled events.
  • From time to time, we will send various notices and updates to you via e-mail. Be sure that e-mail from "transformingthechurch.org" is whitelisted and allowed so our e-mail to you isn't caught in your SPAM filter.

If you need any help, please contact me through the Class Forum. Or, if you wish, my private contact information is in the Class Roster.

--Bill Anderton

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