e-Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 9 Special 6th Session With Rev. Dr. William H. Edwards on October 13th, 8:00pm CDT by Bill Anderton
On Thursday night, October 13, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. CDT, we will be having a special sixth and final session of the class with live telephone discussion with Rev. Dr. William H. Edwards, the Regional Pastor and President for the Christian Church in Ohio.
Dr. Edwards is a practitioner of congregational transformation and this will be an opportunity to discuss everything you have heard or discussed in in class or simply ask questions of someone with hands-on experience with transformation and deep change.
Rev. Dr. William H. Edwards is the Regional Pastor and President for the Christian Church in Ohio.
Prior to coming to this position, Dr. Edwards served as Associate General Minister and Vice President in the Office of General Minister and President. He served as pastor of the Disciples Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Disciples Center was a unique joint ministry of two congregations.
Dr. Edwards served as Executive Pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church of Memphis, TN., the largest congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with a membership of 8,000 members. He has served on the Executive staff of Homeland Ministries as a Senior Associate in the Center for Congregational Growth and Vitality.
Dr. Edwards has served as Interim Pastor of First United Christian Church in Xenia, Ohio and East Second St. Christian Church in Lexington, Ky. He has also served as associate minister of University Park Christian Church in Indianapolis, In.
An Ohio native, Dr Edwards graduated from Hiram College in 1979 With a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He completed his requirements for the Master of Divinity degree at Christian Theological Seminary in December, 1982. Dr. Edwards was ordained to the Christian Ministry on February 7, 1983. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in June 1991 at McCormick Theological in Chicago, IL. On May 10, 1998, Dr. Edwards graduated from the University of Memphis with an Executive Masters of Business Administration.
Dr. Edwards and wife Sabrina are parents of three sons, and two daughters. They have ten grandchildren.
To participate, simply call into the conference bridge like all other class sessions.
Audio Access Telephone Numbers (use either): TeleWorship Local : 1-(513) 977-8981 TeleWorship Toll Free : 1-(866) 844-6291
You can dial into the conference bridge using either of the numbers shown above.
You will then hear the prompts of our auto-attendent. When prompted please enter your access code:
Access Code: 1968235
The conference bridge will be opened 10 minutes before the starting time of the class.
Bridge will open at 7:50pm CDT Class will start at 8:00pm CDT
You're welcome to enter the class and chat with your classmates until the start of the class. Please be on the call before the start of the class at 8:00pm CDT so we can start promptly.
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Aligned With Disciples Transformation Goals!
This project is aligned with the Disciples’ goal of transforming 1,000 congregations by 2020 to realize the 2020 Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Although intended for use by any congregation of any denomination that is in need of systemic transformation and deep change, TransformingTheChurch.org has been founded and led by four members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Roger A. Sizemore, Ph.D., Richard L. (Dick) Hamm, D.Min., Richard H. (Rick) Lowery, Ph.D. and William H. (Bill) Anderton.