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e-Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 8
Reminder: The Audio Conference Bridge For Tonight Class Will Open At 7:50pm CDT
by Bill Anderton

Class resumes tonight! The audio conference bridge's numer and code are the same as last week. We will use these same numbers and code for each weekly session of the class.

Audio Access Telephone Numbers (use either):
TeleWorship Local : 1-(513) 977-8981
TeleWorship Toll Free : 1-(866) 844-6291

You can dial into the conference bridge using either of the numbers shown above.

You will then hear the prompts of our auto-attendent. When prompted please enter your access code:

Access Code: 1968235

The conference bridge will be opened 10 minutes before the starting time of the class.

Bridge will open at 7:50pm CDT
Class will start at 8:00pm CDT

You're welcome to enter the class and chat with your classmates until the start of the class. Please be on the call before the start of the class at 8:00pm CDT so we can start promptly.

Click here for the course home page.

Click here for the PDF file of the course brochure.

Click here for the PDF file of the press release.



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Aligned With Disciples Transformation Goals!

This project is aligned with the Disciples’ goal of transforming 1,000 congregations by 2020 to realize the 2020 Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Although intended for use by any congregation of any denomination that is in need of systemic transformation and deep change, TransformingTheChurch.org has been founded and led by four members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Roger A. Sizemore, Ph.D., Richard L. (Dick) Hamm, D.Min., Richard H. (Rick) Lowery, Ph.D. and William H. (Bill) Anderton.
