e-Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 6 Invite Your Friends and Colleagues To Join Us During Late Registration by Bill Anderton
If you know someone who will benefit from our class, please ask then to join us during our late registration period. They could be someone from your church or perhaps a colleague.
Registration for Dick Hamm’s "Recreating The Church: Leadership For The Post-Modern Age" course is open through September 1st so there is time for your friends to join the class.
It Is Not Too Late To Join Us Online!
Late registration will remain open through the beginning of class on September 1st.
For a regular registration, click here and complete the registration with a credit or debit card.
If you are a member of the Christian Church in the Southwest Group, click here and complete the registration with a credit or debit card.
The course consists of six video-on-demand sessions and five live fully-interactive sessions. So far, any friends you invite will have only missed the first interactive session.
Can Easily Catch Up!
All of our video-on-demand sessions are posted online and your friends can easily catch up. So far, we have only covered Session #1.
Last night’s interactive session that covered the discussion of video-on-demand Session #1 was recorded and posted online. Your friends can listen to the posted recording any time and catch up on the discussion and be ready for out next online session next Thursday.
Also, last night’s discussion is continuing online in our Class Forum. All past text discussions are available for students entering the class during late registration.
Join the class, watch this week’s video and listen to last night’s live discussion. Then join into the continuing discussion in the Class Forum and your friends will be fully caught up, ready for next Thursday’s class session.
Click here for our home page.
Click here for the PDF file of the course brochure.
Click here for the PDF file of the press release.
TransformingTheChurch.org Online
Website: www.transformingthechurch.org Facebook: TransformingTheChurch.org Twitter: ChurchTransform Contact: Click here to contact us.
All courses can be order securely online through our website 24x7.
Aligned With Disciples Transformation Goals!
This project is aligned with the Disciples’ goal of transforming 1,000 congregations by 2020 to realize the 2020 Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Although intended for use by any congregation of any denomination that is in need of systemic transformation and deep change, TransformingTheChurch.org has been founded and led by four members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Roger A. Sizemore, Ph.D., Richard L. (Dick) Hamm, D.Min., Richard H. (Rick) Lowery, Ph.D. and William H. (Bill) Anderton.