e-Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 2 A Role for Regional Ministries in Congregational Transformation! by Bill Anderton
TransformingTheChurch.org's online education system and fully-interactive courses are ideal for creating region-wide virtual training events for regional ministries. Groups of churches composed of both clergy and church leaders from each church in sponsoring regions can meet on-line and move through our courses as a group, discussing common problems and solutions under the guidance of our instructors and regional staff.
We can provide turnkey events; regional ministries only have to decide to proceed and we will do the rest. We can build co-branded customized classrooms and automatic online registration for each participating regional ministry. All of the set-up and operations of the regional events are performed by the staff of TransformingTheChurch.org and only take a few days to set up.
Click here for full details from our website.
Click here to download our whitepaper.
Click here to contact us about this program.
Summary of Program
A Regional Role
Abstract: While regional ministries can play important roles in congregational transformation by providing leadership and access to resources for their churches, regional ministries often lack adequate budgets and staff time to provide efforts of sufficient scope or scale to establish and sustain transformation within their region. Using traditional congregational transformation approaches, there just aren’t enough regional resources available unless bold new methods are employed.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
A New Approach
Abstract: TransformingTheChurch.org has built a new and efficient system for both beginning and sustaining congregational transformation. Our approach can be used by regional ministries in powerful and meaningful ways but, at the same time, be fully employed even with limited regional resources.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Ideal for Regional-Wide Transformation Training
Abstract: TransformingTheChurch.org’s virtual system and fully-interactive courses are ideal for quickly, easily and inexpensively creating region-wide virtual training events for regional ministries of any size. Groups of churches composed of both clergy and church leaders from each church in the region can meet on-line and move through the course as a group, discussing common problems and solutions under the guidance of our instructor(s).
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Ideal for Far-Flung Regions
Abstract: Our powerful approach is both distance and time insensitive; ideal for far-flung regions with rural churches.
Our educational and consultinging/coaching systems can be used from anywhere, without the time or the expense of traveling across town, across the region or across the country.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Ideal for Building Critical Mass Supporting Transformation
Abstract: With many of the costs associated with the traditional delivery of education and consulting either entirely removed or at least greatly reduced, coupled with the economy of scale inherent with these technologies, the costs for participating in on-going systemic transformation are reduced to the point that anyone can participate. For the first time, rather than only one or two people from each congregation benefiting, entire teams of people from the same church (even from small churches) can benefit from the direct exposure to the transformation training and first-hand participation with the best experts in the field. All church leaders, both clergy and laity, can afford to go through the process together as a team.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Ideal Economics
Abstract: TransformingTheChurch.org’s approach brings economies of scale to bear for providing efficient access to the best experts in the field; people known to use best practice and have excellent reputations and proven track records. Using our approach, in the same time normally required for training only a handful of people for transformation, our approach can do the same thing for hundreds or thousands of people. While maintaining the full quality and interactions with these experts, the costs are spread over a large number of people, greatly reducing the cost per participant.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Little, If Any, Impact on Regional Budgets
Abstract: Since individual participants in these regional events can sign-up on-line using their own credits cards, the cost of providing region-wide training events can be entirely borne by event participants without impacting regional ministry budgets.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
Customized Features of a Sponsored Regional Transformation Event
Abstract: For regional ministries wishing to sponsor a Regional Transformation Event, we can customize all of our online materials to elegantly integrate with the goals and objectives of the sponsoring ministry. Visit our website or read our brochure for full details.
Click here for full details on the Regional Event Program.
TransformingTheChurch.org Online
PDF of this Whitepaper: Click here to download. Website: www.transformingthechurch.org Facebook: TransformingTheChurch.org Twitter: ChurchTransform Contact: Click here to contact us.
All courses can be order securely online through our website 24x7.
Aligned With Disciples Transformation Goals!
This project is aligned with the Disciples’ goal of transforming 1,000 congregations by 2020 to realize the 2020 Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Although intended for use by any congregation of any denomination that is in need of systemic transformation and deep change, TransformingTheChurch.org has been founded and led by four members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Roger A. Sizemore, Ph.D., Richard L. (Dick) Hamm, D.Min., Richard H. (Rick) Lowery, Ph.D. and William H. (Bill) Anderton.